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Problems I had with dictionary

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:45 pm
by Regie
I finally made it to the forum. :)

It came to the point that I had so much trouble that I just took it off as best I remember. The first problem I had was unzipping it and knowing just where to put it in some folder so it would work with TextAloud. I have version 4 now.

Before I got rid of it, as best I recall (remember I am new at this thing - not exactly a green-horn, but close to one) when I would go to my TextAloud dictionary, I would have 2 copies of the same "My dictionary" - however I notice I still have 2 copies of it, plus I have another one now named "Microsoft David" which is the one that kept one of my two last changes for the word "Shulamite" - so I would like to get rid of the other two which are practically the same as "Microsoft David" and make a separate dictionary for the other voices I have, although I think the dictionary for "Microsoft Zira" will be about the same as the pronunciation for David. The other two voices I have are "AT&T Crystal" and "AT&T Mike" - I have had very little success with Mike. For my work lately I am interested in male voices in most places. I would like to get the British Peter voice but just cannot afford it now or probably for a long time.

I read the text files that came with my purchase but I am not sure I put the RC Dictionary in the right place and right now I do not remember exactly where I put it. It was in some "App Data" folder as best I remember. Maybe if you can direct me to the exact spot and get me on the right path as to these multiple dictionary problems, I can try it again.

Do you remember if I have answered all that you asked?


Re: Problems I had with dictionary

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 5:01 pm
by Percy Henry
Hi Regie,

You should open the Pronunciation Dictionary Maintenance (PDM) to see which dictionaries are located there.

I am not currently using TextAloud 4, but it is my understanding that it now has feature that allows you to import dictionaries directly into the PDM.

I am not sure from your post if you lost RC Homograph zip file; let me know if you still have it.

The good news is that you can use RC Homograph with all of the voices you noted above.

P.S. for now you should only use one dictionary at a time until you become more familiar with how the dictionaries work with each other since sometimes there can be conflict between dictionaries which can crash TextAloud; that is uncheck the dictionaries you are not using.

Re: Problems I had with dictionary

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 7:18 pm
by Regie
I still had it - just thought it was gone. It is operating now.

BTW, what does that <s> mean? Some entries have only that. I do not understand phoemes and am not sure why you have man entries for the same word(s). It seems I read somewhere that things like <1> and <2> are there to separate a word into syllables. The only way I have figured out to break words into syllables is by using either an '(asteric) or using a - (hyphen) and the internet has helped a ton when I go into my browser bar and type something like "pronounce elephant (or some other word)"


Re: Problems I had with dictionary

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 8:20 pm
by Percy Henry
Hi Regie,

Glad to hear that its working.

<s> is just a symbol created by TextAloud to represent a space on the Respell line.