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The Rev. bug in Some Ivona English Voices

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:04 pm
by Percy Henry
Some Ivona English Voices have the tendency to pronounce Rev. as "relevant" instead of "reverend".

Unfortunately, a generalized fixed does not appear possible for this bug and the problem must be fixed on a case by case basis. This could occur in the two sentence snippet immediately below:

Code: Select all

He was born April 3, 1898, in Tengchow, China, the son of the Rev. Dr. Henry Winters Luce, a poor but socially well-connected Presbyterian clergyman and teacher, and Elizabeth Root Luce, a former Young Women's Christian Association worker. Harry, as the boy was known throughout his life, was the first of four children.
If you encounter this problem using RC Sapi 5 you can fix this by using the following instructions:

1. Use the Search Filter in the Pronunciation Dictionary Maintenance and search using the Caption Contains field for the following regex:

(?#Dr)(?m)(?<=^|\s|['"‘“(]|\p{Pi}|\p{Ps}|\p{Pd})(?-i)D[Rr](?i)\.?(?= the Reverend[’”\p{Po}\p{Pe}\p{Pf}]{0,2}(?:\s|$))

Highlight this regex by clicking on it and insert the following two regexes:


(?#Rev)(?m)(?:^|\s|['"‘“(]|\p{Pi}|\p{Ps}|\p{Pd})\K(?-i)R[Ee][Vv]\.?\sD[Rr](?i)\.?(?= +Henry Winters Luce(?:['’]s)?[’”\p{Po}\p{Pe}\p{Pf}]{0,2}(?:\s|$))

<Pron sym="r eh v 1 r ax n d"/> doctor

(?#Rev)(?m)(?:^|\s|['"‘“(]|\p{Pi}|\p{Ps}|\p{Pd})\K(?-i)R[Ee][Vv]\.?\sD[Rr](?i)\.?(?= +(?-i)[A-Z][a-z]{1,12} [A-Z][a-z]{1,12} [A-Z][a-z]{1,12}(?:['’]s)?[’”\p{Po}\p{Pe}\p{Pf}]{0,2}(?:\s|$))

<Pron sym="r eh v 1 r ax n d"/> doctor


where <Pron sym="r eh v 1 r ax n d"/> doctor, is placed on the respell line, remember to choose a regular expression entry. That should fix the problem if it is encountered by you in the snippet of the text above.

As a secondary precaution, use the Search Filter's Pronounce As Contains Field to find all occurrences of reverend; replace all occurrences of reverend on the respell line with <Pron sym="r eh v 1 r ax n d"/>

Only make these changes if you are sure you understand the instructions and feel comfortable doing so.